Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 5

This past week, I was tasked to build a bench model for the app team as requested since they will begin testing their work with it. We encountered some complications while building the bench model but were able to fix it. I gave the bench model to the app team last Friday and showed them how to connect the rest of the components. I built the bench model so that the orientation of the components can only fit one way without them having to doubt themselves on how the component should go on the breadboard.

Along with building the bench model, my team and I were mostly busy preparing for the presentation that we have this week and writing the paper that is also due this week. Unfortunately, these assignments have halted our progress in the project but will immediately resume our work after the presentation. We are almost ready to test but we need to integrate Steven's and my work together so that we can also test the app team's work with our work. Time is almost up and I am hoping that everything runs smoothly with little debugging needed. Unfortunately, that may not be the case but we need to put in all of our effort now more than ever to finish this project. We need to have patience and we need to help each other succeed because in the end this will all reflect on how the 1/12th scale team did overall.

In the coming week, I will be working with Steven to integrate the whole system together as well as getting readouts on the speed of the motors. We will also begin testing so that we have enough time to debug our system. Simultaneously, we will also work with the app team to integrate their work with ours.

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