Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Week 14

In the past week, I have begun to create a library for one of the electronic components that is wired to the Arduino Mega. Since I was a beginner at writing my own library, I began with the most simple component that we are using in our controls system, the RGB LED. Initially, I struggled to get the library working and I looked at a few Youtube videos to see how a library is created. After a few attempts at making the library work in the Arduino environment, I was able to successfully make it work and thus I was able to turn on the LED using the library I created. The only problem I encountered that I am unable to fix at the moment is that I was not able to make the LED blink using the library. Fortunately, the mobile app team will provide me with some assistance in making the LED blink using the library. I also attempted to create a library for our two ultrasonic sensors that are used for collision detection. Since the podcar that I took to test out the libraries that I created only has one ultrasonic sensor, I was unable to test out the library and I would have to wait until I am in the shop again.

I have also begun to prepare for our last team presentation of the semester that is coming up this coming week. I have begun to prepare my slides and formulate my thoughts so that when my team and I rehearse, I will be prepared and will be able to make some adjustments if needed. We also have the final report coming up but that is not due until the following week so I still have time to contribute to the report. During the coming week, my team and I will be rehearsing for our final presentation where my family will be attending our presentation and I will also try to create more libraries as well as writing up the final report and the individual evaluations.

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